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Oceanic real estate Adelaide properties are governed by professional design and platform managers. We value the promptness of our services. We ensure quality and timely services and products are delivered to our customers. Therefore, the value of our customers is directly proportional to the quality of houses we provide and the richness of our investors.

We’re focused on creating new living spaces which are beautiful, useful and innovative for your family, agency or business.

We are very familiar with the challenges of creating high-quality, cost-effective houses and apartments.

We are focused on creating impassive income strategies for investors in need of regular and fixed income


We build great homes including townhouses and high-rise units, develop
lots and create residential estates.


We welcome all investors local or overseas to invest in our projects. All entities who can invest in Australia can invest in our real estate Adelaide projects provided they can meet our criteria of investment. Investors may also include any individual, corporations, trusts and SMSF.


Our professional team comprising of architects and engineers are capable of accomplishing from simple to most complex projects with excellence.


Oceanic Properties offers fully integrated and comprehensive real estate investment solutions to our investors exceeding their expectations on a continuous basis.

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    Investors have received net returns of upto 30% on our projects, which is much greater than other conventional investing techniques.

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    Oceanic Properties tailors its recommendations to each client’s unique situation, aims, and ambitions when it comes to real estate investing.

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    We charge a minimum management fee, which is essential to commence the project. We pay ourselves the last once all suppliers, fixed costs and investors are paid.

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    Property development is a specialised asset class with a low correlation to other asset classes. This makes it ideal for investors looking to diversify or hedge their portfolios.

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    Risk Reduction

    We can offer a better reward-to-risk ratio than other investing alternatives because we have strong risk management procedures in place.

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    We not only give customers access to the greatest property investments, but we also give the finest in client service, including openness about the cost of acquiring a property and arranging independent appraisals.

At OPIG, we pride ourselves on being your trusted partner in the dynamic world of real estate Adelaide. Our expert team is dedicated to providing unparalleled guidance and support, whether you’re buying, selling, or investing in properties throughout this vibrant South Australian city.


Set & Forget Investment Property


Having 30 years of experience in leadership, top-level management, finance, sales and marketing. Successfully launched and managed various businesses, Col Viv has been the director and founder of various companies in the past 10 years. His companies operate both in B2C and B2B environment. Prior to this Col Viv had a distinguished and disciplined army carrier spanning over 20 years which has nurtured top-level management leadership, dynamic skills.

Col Viv Chauhan

Principal Director

Saran is an Australian qualified and licensed builder. He possesses degrees in construction management, project management and risk management. With 14 years of construction experience, he makes his way from residential construction to Commercial. Over the past 14 years, Saran has collected experiences in problem-solving, which allows him to recognize the importance of complying with safety procedures.

Saranjeet Singh

Principal Director

It’s never too early, or too late, to start investing. If you have any queries regarding investment